Leviticus 11 - Clean and Unclean Foods, Unclean Animals
Leviticus 12 - Purification of Women after Childbirth
Leviticus 13 - Leprosy, Varieties and Symptoms
Leviticus 14 - Purification of Lepers and Leprous Houses
Leviticus 15 - Concerning Bodily Discharges
Leviticus 16 - The Day of Atonement
Leviticus 17 - The Slaughtering of Animals, Eating Blood Prohibited
Leviticus 18 - Sexual Relations
Leviticus 19 - Ritual and Moral Holiness
Leviticus 20 - Penalties for Violations of Holiness
Leviticus 21 - The Holiness of Priests
Leviticus 22 - The Use of Holy Offerings, Acceptable Offerings
Leviticus 23 - Appointed Festivals, The Sabbath, Passover, and Unleavened Bread
Leviticus 24 - The Lamp, Bread for the Tabernacle, Blasphemy and Its Punishment
Leviticus 25 - The Sabbatical Year, The Year of Jubilee
Leviticus 26 - Rewards for Obedience, Penalties for Disobedience
Leviticus 27 - Votive Offerings
Numbers 1 - The First Census of Israel
Numbers 2 - The Order of Encampment and Marching
Numbers 3 - Sons of Aaron, Duties of the Levites, Census of the Levites, Redemption of the Firstborn