Luke 17 - Some Sayings of Jesus, Jesus Cleanses Ten Lepers, The Coming of the Kingdom
Luke 18 - The Parable of the Widow and the Unjust Judge, Parable of the Pharisee and Tax Collector
Luke 19 - Jesus and Zacchaeus, Parable of the Ten Pounds, Jesus Weeps over Jerusalem
Luke 20 - Authority of Jesus Questioned, Parable of Wicked Tenants, Question about the Resurrection
Luke 21 - The Widow’s Offering, Destruction of the Temple Foretold, The Coming of the Son of Man
Luke 22 - The Plot to Kill Jesus, The Dispute about Greatness, Jesus Predicts Peter’s Denial
Luke 23 - Jesus before Pilate, Jesus Sentenced to Death, Crucifixion of Jesus, Death and Burial
Luke 24 - The Resurrection of Jesus, Jesus Appears to His Disciples, Ascension of Jesus
John 1 - The Word Became Flesh, Testimony of John the Baptist, The Lamb of God, First Disciples
John 2 - The Wedding at Cana, Jesus Cleanses the Temple
John 3 - Nicodemus Visits Jesus, Jesus and John the Baptist, The One Who Comes from Heaven
John 4 - Jesus and the Woman of Samaria, Jesus Returns to Galilee, Jesus Heals an Official’s Son
John 5 - Jesus Heals on the Sabbath, Authority of the Son, Witnesses to Jesus
John 6 - Feeding the Five Thousand, The Bread from Heaven, The Words of Eternal Life
John 7 - The Unbelief of Jesus’ Brothers, Is This the Christ?, Unbelief of Those in Authority
John 8 - The Woman Caught in Adultery, Jesus the Light of the World, True Disciples, Jesus + Abraham
John 9 - A Man Born Blind Receives Sight, Pharisees Investigate the Healing, Spiritual Blindness
John 10 - Jesus the Good Shepherd, Jesus Is Rejected by the Jews
John 11 - The Death of Lazarus, Jesus the Resurrection and the Life, Jesus Raises Lazarus to Life
John 12 - Mary Anoints Jesus, Plot to Kill Lazarus, Some Greeks Wish to See Jesus, Jesus’ Teaching